Giant Bomb in Clash of Clans

1. Overview Giant Bomb in Clash of Clans
- When the enemy is approaching Giant Bomb, it will explode. Basically, Giant Bomb is a stronger version (and more expensive) of the Bomb. It can cause splash damage to all soldiers within 3-4 squares, depending on the level of Giant Bomb.
- If you want Giant Bomb to destroy many soldiers, let is put Giant Bomb in place with a huge number of the enemy.
- After Giant Bomb exploded, you have to restore to use the next time.
- Beside Giant Bomb, Hog Rider may cause damage to any ground troops who are in its domain.
- Giant Bomb at any level can destroy immediately all soldiers Tier 1 and Wizard (at any level yet)
Giant Bomb in Clash of Clans
Giant Bomb in Clash of Clans

2. Defensive tactics.
- Giant Bomb occupies an area of ​​2×2 (same as the Hidden Tesla). If you have more room for Tesla Hidden, you should put Giant Bomb other places. The reason is that the enemy wants to avoid Hidden Tesla areas to be safe, and they will drop more soldiers in other places, but when the troops touch on the scope of Giant Bomb, they will explode.
- You need to consider whether upgrade Giant Bomb or not, because when it is upgrading process, it would reveal its position. Therefore you should reset Gian Bomb in other place during the upgrade process. Like many other traps, Giant Bomb cannot be activated during the upgrade process.
- Some players set Giant Bomb outside the base, that time the enemy soldiers will certainly active Giant Bomb soon, so it will reduce 50% destroyed. You should put the Giant Bomb outside but after the building on the outside and before the outer wall. So the soldiers will be grouped together to destroy these building, then Bomb will be activated and kill many soldiers at once. 
- Other players like to place Bomb at the base to traps Giant and Hog Rider. Tactic is placing Giant Bomb between two defense building so Giant and Rider will be grouped together before activating Bomb.
- Because Giant Bomb caused more 50% of damage to Hog Rider at any level so 2 Giant Bomb can also completely destroy a group of Hog Rider at Level max.

3. Attack strategy
- As Giant Bomb causes 50% damage to Hog Rider, so if you still want to use Hog Rider to attack, you must try to guess and avoid where possible Giant Bomb can be. If Hog Ride has to fight Giant Bomb with a higher level, the Giant Bomb can instantly destroy a group of Hog Rider even Healing Spell cannot heal them.
- Other tactic is trying to drop each Barbarian in an area of ​​2 × 2 to active the Giant Bomb, in order to minimize damage to the soldiers.

4. Changes in the upgrade
- Initially, Giant Bomb includes one large bomb and three barrels of gunpowder which are wrapped around the rope.
- At level 3, a stick of dynamite was placed between the powder kegs.
5. Trivia
-  After the explosion of Giant Bomb, it will leave a black spot on the grass (similar to the Bomb). However, black spots exist about 100 seconds; while the black point is caused by Bomb exist only a few seconds.
- Giant Bomb at level 3 (with the stick of dynamite) is only level that the scope of Giant Bomb explodes not be extended.
Giant Bomb in Clash of Clans
Giant Bomb in Clash of Clans

Seeking Air Mine in Clash of Clans

1. Overview Seeking Air Mine in Clash of Clans
- Seeking Air Mine is used to trap air force. Seeking Air Mine consists of one bomb Air is pulled by three black balloons with white skulls.
- Unlike Air Bomb, Seeking Mine Air cannot cause splash damage but is more powerful to the soldier as strong as the Dragon, Lava Hound, ...
- Minion or Healer cannot active Seeking Air Mine, so they cannot be destroyed
- Seeking Air Mine will attack Lava Hound,Dragon and Balloon.
- Same as other traps, after being activated, you have to restore Seeking Air Mine to able to use it age (unless in Clan War, all traps are active during the attack).

 Seeking Air Mine in Clash of Clans
 Seeking Air Mine in Clash of Clans

2. The defensive tactics
- You should put Seeking Air Mine near Air Defense. When the enemy soldiers destroyed the Air Defense, and deploy the powerful air forces nearby, the Seeking Air Mine will quickly destroy the units in the sky.
- It's best to use Dragon or other strong air forces
- You can set Seeking air Mine near Town Hall to prevent the Dragon destroy it.

3. Changes in each upgrade.
- At level 3, the thorns on Seeking Air Mine are bigger and turn into yellow. You can have a better look because Mine Seeking Air Bomb slightly open compartment.

 Seeking Air Mine in Clash of Clans
 Seeking Air Mine in Clash of Clans

4. Trivia
- Seeking Air Mine will leave the bomb tank and attack an air troop and will cause 1 small red light.
- Seeking Air Mine will attack soldiers and disappear, but the Balloons will not explode but fall away.

Wizard Tower in Clash of Clans

1. Overview Wizard Tower in  Clash of Clans

- Wizard's tower is crystal tower and has Wizards on the top. Although Wizard tower has a relatively short range, but its damage is very extreme and can impact to both units on the ground and air.

- Wizard tower is same as Mortar, it can kill off a soldier group. However, it does not look Mortar that it has a high DPS (helping to fight the soldiers better who have higher health (like Giant)). Other is that Wizard tower is able to shoot target both on the ground and in the air. Additionally, Wizard Tower no blind spots.

- Although the damage is caused by each shot of Wizard tower is less than Mortar, Wizard tower has faster shooting speeds than Mortar. Therefore Wizard tower is used to protect other works by destroying the opposite soldiers had come too close.
- Despite a shot range of tower Wizard is quite short but it is not easy to destroy the wizard tower. To avoid Wizard tower attack, you just must go to the part of village where is out of Wizard Tower reach.
If you want to destroy Wizard quickly, it is better to put several Giants to distract Wizard tower while Archer, Wizard or Minion is destroying the tower. The troops must be action in a circle around the Wizard tower because it would help to reduce the damage caused by Wizard tower splash. Overall, just 1 Giant and 5 Archer towers are able to destroy Wizard tower.

Wizard Tower in  Clash of Clans
 Wizard Tower in  Clash of Clans

2. The defensive tactics.
-  the best defensive tactic is locating Wizard tower near the Town Hall because its splash has a relatively high rate of fire and . However, for short range, sometimes it’s better to put Wizard tower outside of the village.

-  it should to Set Wizard tower near buildings which has a resource, it will help protect these building from Goblin.
- Combining Wizard and Mortar tower will be very useful, because they can support each other. Mortar with long range, the enemy will reduce their health while they come close to the Wizard tower so Wizard tower will easily destroy them. In return, the Wizard tower can protect Mortar from the units that Mortar cannot destroy such all the targets in the air and ground and out of Mortar reach).

3. Offensive tactics
- Using some kinds of units like Barbarian or Giant to distract Wizard tower and then using Archer or Minion, or other long-range soldier to destroy it. The Barbarian or Giant can also destroy Wizard tower when you use enough a number of soldiers, however because the soldiers were attacked effectively when they touch the, so Wizard tower can destroy completely them.
 After approaching into the scope of the Wizard tower, you must ensure that the soldiers will not care about other things (eg gold store near Wizard tower) because if these do, these will be quickly destroyed whole by Wizard Tower

4. The change of Wizard tower at each level
It is clearly to see in the below photo:
The change of Wizard tower at each level
The change of Wizard tower at each level
5. Addition
- You can build Wizard towers without unlock or training Wizard.
- Level of the Wizard tower (if you have) will not affect the appearance or the ability of the Wizard on the top the tower.
- When you start the upgrade wizard tower, atop Wizard will disappear after a few minutes and only reappear when the upgrade is completed.
- During moving, the Wizard at the top also disappears.
- When view the information in the screen, there are no Wizard on the top tower.
- normal Wizard attacks stronger than the Wizard at top of tower because they have more hitpoint  and the range of splash damage is  larger than normal Wizard soldiers.
- Only 1 Wizard will appear on the tower top. It is not as Archer tower, there can have up to 3 Archer on the top

Archer Tower in Clash of Clans

1. Overview Archer Tower in Clash of Clans
Archer Tower is able to shot both ground and air target. Archer tower has the extremely shoot range. So this is one of the best defensive structures.

Archer Tower in Clash of Clans
Archer Tower in Clash of Clans
2. The defensive tactics.
- Archer towers can shoot both ground and aerial targets with great distances. So you should put Archer tower outside the village, because it has a wide range and can cover for the rest of the defense system.
- Should put other defensive object in the range of Archer tower.
- Should upgrade Archer tower before Cannon tower because although upgrading Archer tower is the more expensive and take longer time than Cannon at same level but it has a wider range and can shoot both ground and aerial targets.
- Put 1 Archer tower near 1 Cannon or Mortar because two of these type cannot shoot goals in the air.

3. The attacking strategy.
- Due to Archer tower can shot both goals on the ground and in the air so Archer tower is one great defender. However, Archer tower can only damage one unit at one time. So if you use a large number of groups like Barbarian or Archer, you may easily destroy Archer tower.
- If you drop several Balloons, then stay away Archer tower because Balloon moves so slowly. Therefore you should deploy with huge number of Balloon simultaneously, Archer Tower will be damaged quickly, while you only lose 1-2 Balloon. After Archer tower (and Air defense) was destroyed, Balloon will continue to destroy the rest of the village (although it may have to face with the Wizard Tower). You can also drop one group of Archer (15-25 Archers) then let them do their work.
- The best offensive strategy is combining high health soldiers with low health one, because high health soldier will take the damage then lower health soldiers will attack.

4. The change after upgrading.
You can see the changes in the following picture.

Archer Tower in Clash of Clans
Archer Tower in Clash of Clans

5. Addition
- Archer and Archer tower are not related to each other. So you do not need to train Archer to Archer tower and no need to unlock Archer in Barrack and Any upgrade of Archer in lab also does not affect to Archer tower.
- Archer tower is the first defender you can unlock to attack airborne troops.
- Number of Archers on the tower top does not matter because Archer tower with 3 Archers have the same range and speed as tower with 2 Archers.
- Archer is 1 of 2 tower defenses has soldiers on top (the other is Wizard tower defense).
- When you are upgrading or when Archer tower is moving Archers will not appear at the top.
- When the tower is being upgraded, the towers appear at the military base in the previous level, and no top Archer (Wizard tower, too).
- Archer tower (with Cannon) is 2 building currently has the most number of upgrades (13).
- Although you cannot upgrade Archer to level 5 until Lab achieve to level 6 (need Town Hall level), but you can know the appearance of Archer lever 5 because it’s same as the Archer in the top of Archer tower at level 8.
- At level 13, Archer tower can causes the damage ranked 2nd for all defensive structure. It can shoot targets both on the ground and in the air, behind Tesla Hidden level 8.

- Since the Winter 2014, the new updated version allows Archer tower can shoot fast more 2 times than the previous but remained the damage. So it will be able to fire more units at same time.

Wall in Clash of Clans

1. Overview Wall in Clash of Clans
- To build a defensively solid construction, players need to arrange reasonable Walls. The Wall plays as a crucial rule in the defense system. It can prevent the damage from a large number of armies of enemy. However, the wall should be built to protect other defense works or other importance object to defense more effectively. If the wall is broken down a little, the enemy will be easy to go through and attack the inside.

- However, the player can use the Funnel tactic. Funnel tactic is a strategy that you will conduct intentionally a space with the wall around, so the enemy will go through this gap, after that the player is easily to gather the enemy group by group and then use the military units as Mortar or Wizard tower to make a widespread damage on the rival. Or the player can put Bombs or Spring Trap in the gap, then the enemy will be destroyed suddenly.

-  Note that walls don’t effect on air forces like Balloon, Dragon and Minion, and these soldiers are supported Jump Spell (except Hog Rider) because although the ground military but they can jump over the wall.

- Wall breaker is the best object can defeat wall. When wall Breaker is active, it will immediately target wall and break the wall with damage X40, but at the same time wall breaker also crumbled to dust. The hole is caused by wall breaker will allow ground troops go through and reach the building inside wall.
- Even with double Walls, both are still in the explosive range of Wall breaker.
Wall in Clash of Clans
Wall in Clash of Clans

2. The defense strategy.
- The mission of the Wall is obstructing to the enemy on the ground to enhance the defensive system and other defensive weapons will destroy the enemy more effectively. If an opponent can go inside, it can destroy whole defense system and the other building. So when designing wall systems, you should not build one big Wall surround the village. The wall should be conduct with many layers or square. The ground troops of enemy will take time to destroy the Wall to reach the village so the other defensive objects will defeat the attack at this time. With this tactic, certainly would have not been put into the building of the Wall. Furthermore, you should put the building what has no defensive capabilities and the building does not have the resources inside (like Builder's Hut, barracks and labs) outside the Wall to attract the enemy to destroy.
- If you build a double-wall construction, the Wall Breaker can also detonated and break it because it’s able to damage everything in bomb’s range.
- Archer and Wizard can shoot through the Wall and attack the works behind the Wall. Therefore, put the lesser important building as "buffer" to delay the attack of Archer and Wizard. Then, make sure that the built defensive system will has the ability to revenge before the "buffer" is destroyed completely.
- Defensive area where the enemy is not allowed to put soldiers is white overlay after any building moved. Enemy soldiers just can drop behind the Wall if there is a certain gap. Because each construction will have an additional outside the area that the enemy cannot put soldiers in. Therefore, do not leave gaps larger than 2 squares for soldiers not to be. Trap, the decorations, Tesla Hidden, obstacles do not increase the area of ​​the defense system.

- The strategy to hold Wall is attracting Wall Breaker. However, this strategy is no longer useful because the Wall Breaker now only attack Wall which has 2-3 sections closely. However, this technique can be used to expand the area of ​​the defense system, thereby expanding the outer area, and narrow the area where the enemy can drop their soldiers.

- Wall Breaker Wall only attacks the Wall surrounding a part or entire the building. It will skip the empty compartment and angle.
- a common fault in beginners is trying to use the building, rocks, trees, decorations, etc ... to fill the gaps in the Wall. However, despite you do that, the opponent can still pass through the gaps because there are no obstructions. Only wall without gaps that can prevent ground troops.

-  The other mistake is that trying to use the edge of a map being a fence. The players think it will help to build the Wall with only 2 or 3 sides. It is not effective, because even though the player cannot set building in dark grass around the village but the opponent can always drop soldiers in that place.

- Players should put Wall around the Town Hall, the building defenses, and warehouse gold / elixir rather than Barrack, Spell Factory, Lab, or Builder's Hut because the damage causes to those buildings is not serious as others. You should use this tactic when the Town Hall at low level and limited resources.

3. The attacking strategy.
- Look for the traps or the section where lower level of the Wall compared to others is. Find the areas inside the Wall where the buildings placed loopholes. But be careful because the gaps may contain Trap or Hidden Tesla. Use Wall Breaker to break the Wall quickly. And attack the Wall outside the scope of the defense system (if possible).
- Spiking will be no longer work, so you can avoid the traps and distractions.
- When one part of the Wall is broken, Wall Breaker will not pay attention to that part and try to find the nearest Wall surround. That section may or may not be in the back broken Wall.
- If using Air Troop, Hog Rider, Jump Spell and then you do not need to destroy walls.
- Note: Do not use Jump Spell and Hog Rider togerther, because Hog Rider can jump over walls.

4. The change in the different level.
- Wall level 1 looks like wooden fence, which was wrapped together by the rope.
- Wall lv 2 is the rough stone wall.
- Wall level 3 is the stone wall castigated and has polished look.
- Wall level 4 is made from steel and higher
- Wall lv5 covers by gold
- Wall LV6 is crystal sharp, high and elixir color.
- Wall lv7 is higher, sharper point and black purple.
- Wall LV8 is a black Crystal and a skull at the top.
- Wall level 9 with the sharp angle at the side of the wall. when build the wall together there would be a fire burning at the top.
- Wall lv10 has a box containing lava at the top.
- Wall lv10 has an electric fire burning at the top, the green energy flowing through randomly.

Wall in Clash of Clans
Wall in Clash of Clans

5. Addition
- When you destroy a large number of wall, you will achieve Wall Buster.
- Wall lv11 with 7k hitpoint became the work has the largest hitpoint amount.
- The Wall does not be targeted by air units, but they can be destroyed by the indirect units (such as Dragon attacked CC troops near the Wall).
- Sometimes 2 parts of Wall would seem to be not connected, although not so. This error usually occurs in the Village Edit mode.
- Version Updated on September 16, 2014 helped many walls are able to upgrade immediately, and allowing Wall LV6 + is upgraded by Elixir for the same price as upgraded by gold.

Inferno Tower in Clash of Clans

1. Overview Inferno Tower in Clash of Clans

- Inferno tower can shoot sparks out with tremendous power; it can burn even the thickest armor.
- Field lava in Town Hall at level 10 shows that someone approach Inferno Tower.
- In mode one target, it takes time to heat up and this is the most effective way to fight the most powerful army.
- Inferno tower at 1 target mode can prevent Hero, PEKKA and Golem, and shoot down the Healer and Dragon.
- But when at 1 target mode, Inferno tower may be destroyed by other weaker group but having huge number of units, eg Archer group.
- In single target mode, Inferno tower causes damage in succession for 1 single goal. Tower focuses on one goal more the damage caused much more.
- In multi-target mode, Inferno tower can cause damage for 5 targets at the same time.
- when Tower Inferno are fired successful (in single or multi-mode), the enemy cannot heal, including Healer or Healing Spell.
- Inferno tower is similar with X-Bow. It needs regular charging. However, Inferno tower loaded DE rather than Elixir.
- Tower Inferno has no specific objectives, nor cause huge damage to some kind of soldiers. However in single -mode, on average, it causes much damage on soldiers who have higher hitpoint than its because DPS increased.
Inferno Tower in Clash of Clans
Inferno Tower in Clash of Clans

2. The defense strategy
- at single mode, Inferno Tower will not able to compete with armies with many Tier 1 (and the amount of Tier 2 less). So let's put Inferno tower within range of Mortar tower or Wizard tower to be safe.
- At single mode, Inferno tower can destroy the strongest soldier like Dragon, PEKKA and Golem. Thus Inferno tower is the perfect complement to the Wizard Tower because Wizard tower kills weaker soldiers, but weaken to face to the soldier who have higher health pools. Basically, putting these two together will enhance survivability of them (and the rest of the base).
- The heat of Inferno tower makes all the healing overhead to stop. So put Inferno tower near the most important buildings like the Town Hall or store.
- Multi-target mode can easily destroy the Tier 1 group or Hog Rider.
- putting 2 Inferno tower together with different mode then place the trap or the defensive building around them.
- But do not put 2 Inferno tower too close together because Spell Freeze can freeze the whole 2.

3. Offensive tactics
Inferno tower (particularly in single Mode) destroys so many soldiers in the most popular offensive tactic is that using the powerful units go first to distract the enemy while the weaker unit following. Let your strong soldiers in the reach of Inferno tower, so it is able to destroy a large number of enemies, even the hero high-level. Combo Lighting Spell and one Minion are perhaps the best way to approach Inferno tower when it is behind many walls and defenses.
- 4 Lighting Spell at level 4 + will destroy 1 Inferno tower at Level 1.
-  5 Lighting Spell level 4+  will destroy 1 Inferno tower level 2.
- 5 Lighting Spell lv5 +  will destroy 1 Inferno tower level 3.
- In single mode, Inferno tower is weaker than the small armies, because after each new shot, it needs time to be heated again. Inferno tower will destroyed Golem in an instant, but if you use Barbarian or Archer to round up Inferno tower, it will be destroyed quickly. In single mode, Inferno tower can only shoot one unit at one time, so you should spread the offensive unit out (unless Wizard or Mortar tower nearby).
- Looking at the top of the tower, you can know the Inferno tower is in single-mode or multi-mode. If the fire is shot from one large hole therefore it’s in single mode. Otherwise if fire comes from 3 small holes, it’s in multi-mode.
-  To distinguish whether the Inferno tower is full-loaded or run out of bullets is also very easy. Tower has been loaded will have the light of lava and fire, while the empty tower was a black block.

4. The difference when upgrading
- Tower Inferno has not changed much in different level.
- When it was built the first time, Tower Inferno includes a high stone tower, fiery lava pool. At the top Tower has focusing lens in round shape and rectangle storage of DE is placed by side. Lava flows at the bottom of the tower.
- At level 2, the focusing lens emits large red flames. Lens Stone turns yellow and lens turns red, and fire overwhelms the circle.
- At level 3, tower angles and the focusing lens underneath turns yellow. Also the part containing flame turns into more concave structure on.

Inferno Tower in Clash of Clans
Inferno Tower in Clash of Clans

5. Addition
- Inferno defense tower was finally unlocked.
- Besides Hidden Tesla, the Inferno tower is unlike all other defense works because it just takes up 2 × 2 of space.
- Currently Inferno towers is less level of upgrading least amount of the building (except Builder's Hut does not have an upgrade) and Inferno tower has the number of upgrading level is 3
 - Inferno Tower and X-Bow is the only defense objects that need the resource.
- X-Bow, Skeleton Trap and Inferno Tower are the only defense items have multiple modes.
- Inferno Tower shoot DE sparks consecutively (unlike X-Box: arrow of Elixir fire).
- On duty of Firefighter, if destroying a large number of Inferno Towers, you will get many gems.
- In single mode, Inferno Tower  is like barad-dur – Mordor Tower in The Lord of the Rings

X-Bow in Clash of Clans

1. Overview X-Bow in Clash of Clans
- X-Bow is a tower with extremely fast rate of fire. X-Bow characterizes that: it only works when fully charged Elixir, and it can adjust to shoot ground targets (within 14 squares) or shoot air targets (within 11 squares).
X-Bow in Clash of Clans
X-Bow in Clash of Clans

2. The defense strategy
- Although X-Bow when fully loaded and located a reasonable position, X-Box can defeat the enemy, but you should not put it in the front line. X-Bow has the best shoot range in the game so it's best to put it behind all other defenses. It is best to place it in the center of the base.

- Remember to refill the X-Bow Elixir! If X-Bow is not loaded, it's a waste of space, further also shows your basis of neglect and other opponents will be ready to attack.
- If you have 2 X-Bows, you should use one X-Bow to shoot targets on the ground and the other one to shoot both ground and aerial targets.
- Although X-Bow shoot very fast but each shot does not cause much damage. So it’s better to use other powerful defenses to support the X-Bow, so you'll defeat the enemy quickly and effectively.

3. Offensives
- Basically, the X-Bow has no weaknesses. But if the X-Bow only shoots ground targets, you can break it. To define the targets of the X-Bow Shooting is very easy. If the X-Bow is parallel with the ground so it just shoots ground targets. Others, if it's pointing straight forward, it is also able to shoot the goals overhead.
-  Attacking the X-Bow is similar to attack Cannon or Archer tower. But be careful because the X-Bow has a longer range (and more powerful) can kill quickly so many units. It should to use high-health forces as Giant or PEKKA to deflect X-Bow and then use some small groups as Barbarian or Archer to attack and destroy it.
Important Tips:
- Players can know the X-Bow's opponents have been loaded fully or not. It still cannot know exactly how much of Elixir left but all players can recognize when it runs out of the X-Bow arrows. When the X-Bow is loaded, it will appear 1 small box containing small Elixir bolts. An X-Bow doesn’t be charged, it will lack the boxes and wires.

- Because players can also know whether X-Bow only shoot ground targets or air targets so if the X-Bow shoots ground targets only, it’s better to use of air forces to destroy it.
- When run out of narrows, XBow will completely useless and cannot shoot, but you still must to destroy it to 100% clear. Furthermore, if XBow haven’t destroyed yet, the attacking armies (like Giant, Balloon, Hog Rider, and Golem) will still regards it as objective if it is near them than the other active defense.

4. How different when X-Bow upgraded?
- X-Bow will have distinct changes at level 3 and 4.
- When already built, the new X-Bow includes the crossbow which is set up on wooden pillars. And in every corner there are small black stones.
- At level 2, the X-Bow with gold-plated pins and spinning frames. It appears with the gold tip of each corner.
- At level 3, the X-Bow turns completely black and a black tip at each corner.
- At level 4, the X-Bow turns into yellow and tips at each corner turns red as being baked.

x-bow level 4
X-Bow 4 levels

5. Additions
- X-Bow with Inferno tower is only two defenses have to insert the resources to operate.
- When in ground mode, the X-Bow has the largest range among all of defense system: 14 squares. But the X-Bow in the ground and air mode, its range is only same as Mortar: 11 square (and for example Clan Castle, although it is considered completed as 1 defense but still has a range of 12 squares).
- X-Bow and Inferno tower was weapons with the fastest rate of fire, firing bullets / small narrows.
- X-Bow has been introduced in the update Halloween 2012.
- In Japanese, the X-Bow is called "Huge Croowbow" (The large crossbow)
- X-Bow is defensive building with the biggest hitpoint, although at level 1, its is equal to 1 hitpoint of Inferno Tower.
- you can unlock new X-Bow Until TH9 because it has extremely high damage and super shoot range.
- X-Bow Exterminator can destroy a volume of X-bow
- X-Bow is one of three defenses (along with Cannon and Mortar) can go around shooting for the various objectives. Because Air Defense including missiles, while others are towers. When villages were not attacked, the 3 building defenses will stay away TH.
- You can see smoke coming out of the X-Bow when it is shooting.
- When the X-Bow has less narrow or Elixir it will notify you.